Periodontal Treatment

Healthy gums and a healthy periodontium

Periodontitis is usually recognizable by bleeding gums when brushing your teeth. In addition, the teeth often react sensitively to cold or warm food. Periodontitis should not be underestimated and has an effect with inflammation and the atrophy of the periodontium. Both the gums and the jawbone can be affected by periodontitis. Unfortunately, periodontitis is considered the second most common disease of the oral cavity. Around 70% of people suffer from this disease, which is also the main cause of tooth loss.


course of periodontitis

Periodontal disease is often underestimated, since at the beginning of the disease "only" a small inflammation of the gums is recognizable. However, this inflammation continues to migrate and penetrates to the point in the periodontium where the teeth are embedded. 

Unfortunately, once the gums recede, it is no longer possible to stop this process. If the gums are no longer over the bones, the bones are being broken down more and more. As a result, the teeth become loose and begin to hurt. One of the most common reasons for periodontal disease is poor oral hygiene.

The following signs can indicate periodontitis disease:

  • bleeding gums
  • longer teeth due to gum retraction 
  • formation of bad breath
  • the front teeth migrate and tilt
  • gaps in the teeth appear that were not there before

Our treatment concept for periodontitis

The diagnostics

In order to be able to treat the disease in a targeted manner, your teeth and gums are thoroughly examined in advance. 

Professional cleaning of teeth

Before further treatment steps can be carried out, your teeth must be professionally cleaned. With this, plaque and tartar are removed – including from the periodontal pockets. Removing plaque and tartar creates a smooth tooth surface that reduces bacterial build-up. 

Main treatment of periodontitis

After the diagnostics and the professional tooth cleaning, the main treatment of the periodontitis can start about 2 weeks after the professional tooth cleaning. This is how the full effect of the tooth cleaning unfolds.

Depending on the severity of the disease, individual therapy and treatment measures are used, which will be discussed with you in advance.  

If there are still increased probing depths on the gums after a follow-up check after 3 months, we can try to cure the disease with antibiotics and/or gum operations.

maintenance and aftercare phase

After the main treatment and the successful treatment of periodontitis, reinfection should be prevented. Regular check-ups, professional tooth cleaning and gum treatments will prevent recurrence of the infection. 

How does periodontitis develop?

Periodontitis is a bacterial infection that is caused by inflammation of the periodontium. The first signs of periodontitis are bleeding gums when brushing your teeth and sensitivity to cold and heat. Sometimes bad breath occurs, which is caused by the inflamed gum pockets. 

In order to counteract possible consequences such as the receding jawbone, unstable teeth and tooth loss, the disease should be treated at an early stage.

Of the up to 700 different types of bacteria in the mouth, around 5 produce substances (toxins, enzymes) that attack the periodontium. The periodontium (periodontal ligament) consists of the periodontium (cells on the tooth root surface), collagen fibers between tooth and bone and the jawbone. These bacterial strains are exclusively anaerobes, which means that they live without oxygen. Since there is always oxygen in the oral cavity, these bacteria can only multiply in gum pockets that are more than 4mm deep. For this reason, we carry out a gum test with every examination to determine whether periodontitis is present.

Is periodontitis contagious?

Periodontitis is contagious. Since this disease is an infectious disease, kissing, unclean cutlery or sharing toothbrushes are risk factors and carriers. 

The causative germs can be found in almost every person. The real problem is the proliferation of bacteria.

What can I do myself?

Proper oral hygiene is important to prevent infection. Smoking, stress, an unbalanced diet and a weakened immune system can also trigger periodontitis. Genetic aspects and diseases such as diabetes also favor the development of periodontitis. 


For your radiant smile

Make an appointment at our dental office in Normandy! Call us or book your appointment by email. We are glad to be here for you.